Undergraduate Research Grants Recipients
Nelly Dinazar Gonzalez
BA Sociology, Chicano/a Studies, NAS minor
McNair Scholar 2006-07
"Examining the Mexican Roots of Contemporary Chicana Feminism: A Socio-Historical and Literary Analysis." Funds were used to support Gonzalez' trip to the "Archivo Historico Genaro Estrada" Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) in Mexico City, where she and Professor Ines Hernandez-Avila conducted research. The purpose of this trip to the archives was to review original correspondences between the magonista circle, such as newspaper clippings, and letters to and from the Mexican revolutionary women to gain a better insight as to the women's activism in both the Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM) and in a feminist organization called "Hijas de Cuauhtemoc."
Gonzalez received the President's Undergraduate Fellowship (PUF) award on July 2007, which also helped fund her trip to Mexico City.
Yazmin A. Arreguin-Reyes
Undergraduate Student, Chicana/o Studies/Political Science;
Native Anerican Studies Funds were allocated for participation in an intensive P´uhrépecha language course in Mexico. Arreguin-Reyes´s research focuses on the impact of migration on familial social relations, and the language acquisition of the P´uhrépecha will allow her to examine the interactions among elders and the young; including their role in migration patterns.