Dissertation Fellowship
ANNOUNCES THE Chicana/ Latina Dissertation Fellowship
The Chicana/ Latina Research Center (C/LRC) at the University of California, Davis, is dedicated to the development and promotion of Chicana/ Latina scholars and scholarship on Chicana/ Latina issues covering a broad range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests. This dissertation fellowship program supports emerging scholars whose research focuses on questions of concern to Chicanas/ Latinas. We also invite comparative studies of Chicanas/Latinas and indigenous women.
- $21,000 stipend over a 10 month period.
- $1,500 for research support and conference travel
- Must have been advanced to Ph.D. candidacy prior to beginning of fellowship.
- Must have made substantial progress on the dissertation (candidates who have begun writing the dissertation are preferred; in rare instances candidates who are still in the data collection stage will be considered).
- The residency requirement means that the fellow is required to live in Davis, and do her fellowship work on campus, at the C/LRC, during the fellowship year (Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters), beginning on September 1 of the fellowship year, through June 30 of that year. The Fellow will have her own office at the C/LRC.
- Participate regularly in activities sponsored by the C/LRC throughout the fellowship year (workshops, colloquia, etc.). The fellow will have a visible presence on the campus, as a scholar, a role model, and a mentor to undergraduates and other graduate students. However, the fellowship is first and foremost meant to support the fellow's completion of her dissertation.
- Present one public lecture as part of the yearly C/LRC lecture series.
To apply, please send the following:
- A letter of application describing your areas of interest, previous work on Chicana/Latina issues and/or Chicana/o Studies.
- A copy of your dissertation prospectus, outline, and bibliography.
- A representative chapter, and a report of progress on the dissertation.
- A curriculum vitae.
- Two letters of recommendation sent directly to the address below.
The CLRC regrets that there will not be a 2009-2010 Dissertation Fellowship competition, due to critically reduced funding. Any changes to this situation will be announced via this website.
Send to:
Prof. Ines Hernandez-Avila, Director
Chicana/ Latina Research Center
2223 SSH (Social Science and Humanities Building)
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-8882
If you have any questions, please e-mail: clrc@ucdavis.edu We will announce the award by the third week of May.